Ranma 1/2 Volume 5
The Perfect Catsuit
You can never go wrong with cat girls, and this Halloween inspired cover proves it. This adorable pink bodysuit comes equipped with every accessory you need to go out on the prowl!

Ranma 1/2 Volume 8
Adorably Excited
There are many different versions of this art. Different color palettes, textures, etc. But one thing remains unchanging: The sheer excitement on Ranma’s face as they sit looking at something they want. They’ll say it’s ramen, but we all know it’s secretly Akane!

Ranma 1/2 Volume 27
Cursed Critter Anger
Everything about this cover is amazing. The background textures, Ranma and Akane’s outfits, and color palette. However, the best part of this cover is the sheer rage P-Chan (Ryoga), Shampoo, and Moose are displaying. Such fierce creatures instantly disarmed by uppies.

Ranma 1/2 Volume 16
Pretty in Pink (And Orange)
Hot pink haired Ranma is already awesome. But that P-Chan butt with the little pig and goose foot prints? Incredible.

Ranma 1/2 Volume 33
Chibi Boys!
At AnimEighties we are sucks for cute chibi characters. So it makes sense that this cover would make the list. Just look at Ryogo’s angry little face and tell me that doesn’t spark some joy in your heart!

Ranma 1/2 Volume 21
Comfy Cozy Pajamas
Nothing beats a sleepy night in wearing your coziest PJs. And these PJs are adorable! In fact they are so dang adorable Ranma 1/2 collaborated with Japanese fashion brand Felissimo to make them a reality! Clearly this cover is a winner.

Ranma 1/2 Volume 38
Wedding Bliss
Volume 38 is a chaotic end to the manga that offers some closure, but leaves plenty to the imagination. This angered some fans, but you can’t deny that Akane looks fantastic in that VERY 80’s wedding dress. And of course, Ranma looks just as confused as ever.

Ranma 1/2 Volume 25
All The Single Ladies
Look. It’s all the main female characters wearing beautiful traditional outfits and looking great. That’s it.

Ranma 1/2 Volume 20
Boy Toys
I just love the tough guy poses going on. Ranma looks confident and cocky, while Ryoga looks angry as per usual. It felt wrong to not include at least one non-chibi cover of the boys.

Ranma 1/2 Volume 11
Big smiles
Everyone has a silly little smile, especially Ranma (seriously look at that goofy grin!). Also, the background on this one is super fun. Love those green and purple swirls.

Thank you!
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